![]() Don't ask me why I insist on posting this. I guess you could call it an online journal open to the tens of people who are going to come to this site. All I know is that I am insane for doing this and the fact that I have mis-spelled "spiel" accidentally on EVERYTHING proves that I am a moron. Who knows, maybe I will grow to be a famous philosopher and this will become one of the most popular sites on the web. If you have any comments, complaints, or mean disagreements about what I write, please e-mail me ([email protected]) and tell me. "I majored in philosophy, would you like fries with that?" ~AussieAri Although I do not plan on going into philosophy, I have a feeling this will be my future. "I majored in deep-sea marine biology, I live in a van down by the river." Nothing's final until your dead, and even then, I'm sure God negotiates." ~Stepmother, Ever After Like she said, nothing's final until your dead, then I'm not sure if it is really final then. The point is, if you make a mistake it doesn't have stay a mistake unless it is etched in stone. If it is, just get a new stone and start all over again. "Your blue bird of happiness has been replaced by the chicken of depression." ~Me with the help of Gary Larson. Life is shitty. You are born wet, cold, hungry, naked. Thats the peak of life. The rest you have to deal with. Have a hell of a lot of fun making life shittier. On the sixth day, God created the platypus. And God said "let's see the evolutionists try and figure this one out". HUMANS DO NOT FOLLOW THE SAME TIMELINE AS EVOLUTION. Hate to break it to ya, you cannot use Darwinism as an excuse. We as humans should have been extict a while ago, but the freak accident of the use of the frontal lobe occured. Humans are not the top of the world because we can get our asses kicked by big cockroaches. "When did I realize I was God? Well, I was praying and suddenly realized that I was talking to myself." This is a theory I storngly believe in. When you talk to God, you are talking to yourself, therefore, you are a God. Yea, I know all Christians are going to jump my ass on this one, but it is true. In a way, many humans reach immortality because they are remembered. In your life, do something extrodinary that will make people sit back and say "Wow." If you cannot do that, at least go out of this world in a cool way so it can be sent as an urban legend through all bulk e-mail across the world. Bitch a little, clears the head. Bitch a lot, be annoying. Bitch while including over-exagerrated gestures, you get a good all around cardiovascular exercise. The point is: Bitching does help in some cases. "Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you like the show?" -Anon Sorry, twisted mind at work. Please continue. Don't spread rumors about girls being sluts unless you were the person she has slept with. In fact, don't spread rumors about girls being sluts- I'm tired of the double standard. Call guys sluts more often, you still have no right calling them sluts unless you have first hand knowledge. Call nobody a slut. It isn't any of your business and people really don't care nowadays. What is worshipping? No, really, what is it? I don't think I know anybody who flat out worships. If you have a theory, please e-mail me ([email protected]) and tell me it because this question is really starting to bother me. Anywho, even if somebody does not worship, they still have faith. faith is something a human cannot live without. If one does not have faith in at least themselves, I don't see how one has the will to live. "We don't necessarily discriminate. We simply exclude certain types of people."-Colonel Gerald Wellman, ROTC Instructor If your prejudice, get over yourself. "I have opinions of my own -- strong opinions --but I don't always agree with them."-George Bush, US President As much as I am going to regret admitting this, this actually makes a lot of sense. It is actually possible not to agree with yourself."Dave, my mind is going! I can feel it! I can feel it!"-2001: A Space Odyssey I truly feel sorry for those who still have a mind to lose. Insanity can be a blessing. ![]() ![]() "People who think they know everything