Past Lives
Basically the most I can tell you is that I have had a lot of them (even my family admits it). SO far I can tell I have dated back to the hunter and gatherer age, I have had over three lives in Ancient Egypt (both old and new kingdom), Renaissance Italy (where I was a courtesan), and the more recent are a complete blur, but I wish knew what I did in my most recent past life to be put back. Ah well, I like this earth. I hope to have many more lives on it.
As for me, in the present. I think more than the average person, I have multiple personalities, but that is a trait that all humans have, I believe in giving everything a chance, I am not against any world religions (only some members), but I am not fully part of any relgion. I try to live my life by the Wiccan Rede "An harm ye none, do what thou wilt", but I acknowledge and look up to all gods (especially Greek and Hindu gods), and almost every religion, from Pentacostal to Satanism, has influenced my way of thinking. Okay, on an upper note, I love:
- dancing (one of my grand passions)
- acting
- animals (my grandest passion)
- debating
- religions
- the deep sea
- designing body art, hair styles, and Egyptian makeup
- X-Men!
Some may ask, "How in the hell can this girl have more than one 'selves'?" Although I am a true believer in the many faces and personalities on a human being, this is not what I am talking about. These are bios on my life at present, my life that may be at present but in a different dimension and/or a past life and/or a future life (me? Believe in Reincarnation? Nooooooo...). I may post the bios of some of my X-Men fanfiction characters, but I would prefer to post the actual fan fictions themselves.
Bio #1
NAME: Kirstin
ALIASES: Kirsti, Kirstikat, Kirsti'ka, Catholic School Girl Whore, Bitchress, Ahniimus, Animality, Goddess of Bullshit (but I have renounced that title and given it to Amata, who desearves it A LOT more than I do), Poopie (PLEASE don't call me that!)
AGE: of Aquarius
WEIGHT: 140 lbs.
EYES: hazel/yellow
HAIR: blonde
LINEAGE: Scandanavian/Celtic
GENUS: human (although I am trying to prove otherwise)
KNOWN POWERS: ability to talk about X-men on end, ability to write meaningless dribble, ability to be extremely blunt without feeling any regret, and the ability to scare the heck out of anybody (I am satan, watch my head spin -turn-turn-turn-).
Bio #2
NAME: Ahniimus
ALIASES: Ahniimus, the Animality, The Protector, Ahnii, The Surpreme Gaurdian, The Superior Being (considered a Goddess in some parts of the universe), Animal, Celeste
AGE: physically: 17 years, mentally: 35,417 years, spiritually: ever-existing
WEIGHT: 135 lbs.
EYES: Royal Purple with gold flecks
HAIR: blonde (often portrayed with purple hair)
LINEAGE: She is the only member of species that has ever existed
BIRTHPLACE: A Pseu warship in the middle of space (so to speak)
GENUS: superior being
KNOWN POWERS: Basically capable of anytype of power, ability to shapeshift, fly, control time, teleport, control all that is both living and not living (i.e.: everything). Does not like to use her powers to the full extent (has only done this once).

"Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I'm a schitzophrenic,
and so am I."